DC Comics VOD App
A concept for a VOD app surrounding the world of DC Comics, where people can not only see content, but learn about the history of the characters, read & collect comics digitally, play games and more. These are designed for Apple TV and Google Play respectively as each device requires you design within their templated structure allowances.
UI Design
The app is designed to be a nexus for history & lore, comics, games, movies & tv, user favorites. A “one stop shop” for all things DC. It would learn based upon things you have watched and liked, and serve up content it feels you would like, as well as serving as a marketing platform for upcoming releases (comics, games, etc…)
Comics could be purchased either in hard copy, or read in a digital format on the app, creating a bridge between the physical comic and an animated series, of sorts.
Fans tend to have their favorite characters.. Since DC is character-driven, the navigation would cut across by either “platform” or “character”.
For any particular character, content would serve based upon platforms, incarnations, history, allies, villians, etc…
Since DC characters have been around for decades, they’ve gone through many iterations and the history and lore - not only of the character, but who has played them over the years can be found in one place
Pull List (favorites)
A “pull list” is a term for what fans tell comic stores to pull for them when they get new shipments. Here it serves not only as a digital repository of comics (past and new) but favorites across the spectrum. It can communicate with a comic store of the user’s choosing and order the physical samples for them (supporting community business and satisfying the fan’s need for new content)